Sunny outlook with a chance of local banking. That is the title of our New Weather event at the Hay Festival tomorrow (May 29, 11.30am).

Andrew Simms and I will be talking to Green MP Caroline Lucas about many things, including local banking and including the New Weather work on People-Powered Prosperity.

But having Caroline there does provide the opportunity to think a little further ahead about what might be possible, given that there is now a Conservative majority locked in by perpetual struggle with Ukip and the SNP, and with little legislative time available.

Can we do anything to shape a nation where places have some kind of economic control over their destiny? Is there anything that can be done in and around Parliament when there is really no chance of shaping a majority?

Answer: well, that will have to wait for tomorrow, but maybe.

  1. It might be possible to prevent the government from signing the final deal to take Chinese money to pay for a new generation of vastly expensive nuclear energy at Hinckley Point.
  2. It may be possible to break up RBS to form the nucleus of the local banking network that the UK so badly needs.
  3. It may be possible, by winning control of local authorities, to end – or begin to end – the scandal of commercial confidentiality in running public services.
  4. It may even be possible to lay the foundations of a monopoly-busting entrepreneurial revolution in schools.

Yes, it would be easier to have a parliamentary majority, but these can be done.  To find out how, come along and help discuss it at Hay tomorrow.



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