Folk tales often grow from periods of great hardship. The tale of Hansel and Gretel, though first written down much later, is thought to stem from the onset of the medieval cold period, known as the Little Ice Age and the Great Famine in Europe of the early...
Lindsay Mackie and Andrew Simms ask why we’re not using proven alternatives to ‘big’ outsourcing News last week that Capita was in difficulties led to a near 50 percent drop in its share price as anxiety about its stability surged following the...
‘Back with the fairies’, by David Boyle, charts the strange revival of beliefs in fairies, asks in an age of irrational politics what might be driving the phenomenon, and what it might mean about seeking both escape and connections in the modern world. His...
BORDERLAND by New Weather’s Sarah Woods has won the Tinniswood Award, for best original radio drama script of 2017. The prize was presented by author Philip Pullman, and Sarah gave thanks to the people and organisations she worked with on the struggles of those forced...
Behind the freezing weather that makes some wish for a warmer world, writes Bill McGuire, there is a climate in upheaval… As Britain faces its own bleak midwinter, the brutal cold snap that recently gripped much of North America has once again brought the...