Our blogs

Why have they made it so degrading to use services?

Why have they made it so degrading to use services?

Yes, it is hot. The heat has also added a layer of what I can only describe as degradation to our public services. But before I describe it, I don't want to be pigeon-holed as someone who believes that all services should be managed by ministers, as they were before -...

To save the NHS we have to be a little critical

To save the NHS we have to be a little critical

So the NHS is 70 years old, and – perhaps it is because it is currently under threat from serious underfunding – the coverage has been self-congratulatory. There is a lot to be congratulatory about, of course: free at the point of use and the egalitarian ethos. It...

Praising Parliamentary Watchdogs

Praising Parliamentary Watchdogs

The giant services firm Carillion collapsed under the weight of its own greed, hubris and mismanagement in January this year. Earlier this month the excellent Joint Work and Pensions and Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy  Parliamentary produced one of those...

Is a different kind of trade deal possible?

Is a different kind of trade deal possible?

It is one of the great ironies of history that, east and west, the liberation of the agricultural slaves and serfs happened almost at the same time. The people who carried out most of the work in the fields of Russia and eastern Europe and the plantations of the...