Our blogs

A New Weather Economic Forecast for 2016

A New Weather Economic Forecast for 2016

Each year the Financial Times surveys around 100 economists about what the paper considers the key issues for the upcoming year. The results are reported today with the main story highlighted being broad support for continued membership of the European Union, but many...

A Year of Still Living Dangerously

A Year of Still Living Dangerously

The politics and economics of energy and climate change - two, huge, linked themes - dominated the year. And nowhere, from governments to anti-austerity oppositions on the left, are the full implications for economies being appreciated. The Paris climate talks fell in...

An Exercising Tale

An Exercising Tale

This is the story of a failure, albeit a highly instructive one. I wrote a couple of months back about the fight between customers of LA Fitness and the new owners of the chain, Pure Gym, who wanted to close the pools and facilities of 30 of the 43 LA Fitness gyms....

The new phenomenon: the absent corporation

Why is everyone so angry these days, I was asked recently, by an employee of a major high street chemist.  I have a  theory about this. If a sense of reciprocity is central to our lives as human beings, as the evidence suggests, then the promises made to us by so many...

Who Benefits from Exercise?

Gather round for an everyday story of contemporary capitalism. Like the greatest Grimms’ stories, this one covers all the bases of the world it is examining. In this case, our story covers global equity companies, takeovers, possible IPOs , difficulties of getting...