Creative Thinking

Sometimes data and facts, however important, fail to get through to people and something more creative is needed. New Weather uses poetry, story, song and visual arts to tease out how we reach a sustainable future together.

Hopeful tales of sport

Hopeful tales of sport

Sporting Tales - our new book, just published - is about finding more imaginative ways to engage with the unprecedented challenges our times, and brings together a huge range of insight and imagination from elite athletes, academic experts, poets, artists and...

Contagious Tales of hope

Contagious Tales of hope

Contagious Tales is a new collection of short stories that turns our troubled times into modern folk tales to shine a light on how we got here and illuminate the way ahead. It takes an imaginatively different look at our current crises, from the climate emergency to...

100,000 dead

100,000 dead

On the morning of Sunday 24 January, 97,329 lives had been taken by the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK, according to Government statistics. By some estimates, the country had already passed 100,000 deaths 11 days earlier. Marking this milestone is in some sense...