The magician’s house, by Jan Dean, a chilly hearth-side story for the world we live in about a promise, begins a new, monthly feature from our project on modern folk tales for troubling times The magician’s house was first published in our collection of tales 'There...
Creative Thinking
Sometimes data and facts, however important, fail to get through to people and something more creative is needed. New Weather uses poetry, story, song and visual arts to tease out how we reach a sustainable future together.
One special day – a cautionary Christmas tale
One special day – a cautionary Christmas tale by Bill McGuire is a short, seasonal special for our project on modern folk tales for troubling times Ivy collapsed into the overstuffed armchair and let out an enormous sigh. It was so good to be able to relax after all...
Why people long for stories
“It takes a civilized man,” said George Bernard Shaw, “to be deeply moved by statistics.” The whole edifice of Fabian statistics, outcomes, learnings, KPIs and so on were built on those foundations. Shaw was not wrong. You do need an imagination to imagine the picture...
New: modern folk tales from top scientists, economists, ecologists & activists
Knock Twice: is a new collection of 25 modern folk tales for troubling times by a group of leading scientists, economists, environmentalists and policy experts and activists. Realising the limits of facts and policy alone to change the world, an innovative group of...
The Ogre – a modern folk tale
This story is an extract from our new collection of 23 modern folk tales for troubling times There was a knock at the door... which is available now in print and as an e-book: Direct from The Real Press: There was a knock at the door... And from major online book...
There was a knock at the door: modern folk tales for troubling times
“Stories are one of the most ancient and most effective ways of making sense of the world,” wrote Philip Pullman in his foreword to There was a knock at the door... our collection of 23 modern folk tales for troubling times. It launched our initiative to promote...
Pattern for the people
Does pattern have to be superficial and imitative or can it capture a fleeting moment, the fingerprint of a place or even the spirit of a person? This is the idea behind my latest collection of prints by Dora, made with friends on my local allotments on Spa Hill in...