What we’re doing

Initiatives that are in progress, right now.

Pattern for the people

Pattern for the people

Does pattern have to be superficial and imitative or can it capture a fleeting moment, the fingerprint of a place or even the spirit of a person? This is the idea behind my latest collection of prints by Dora, made with friends on my local allotments on Spa Hill in...

Towards the next devolution of power

What if Andrew Adonis and George Osborne are right?  What if the key question for re-balancing the economy (not a phrase Adonis used) was to force through a major new devolution of economic power to the city regions? What if Michael Heseltine’s was right in his 2012...

Towards a new kind of banking

There is a political trend emerging, and it has been a long time coming.  Ed Miliband is calling tomorrow for a more diverse banking system.  We know his office has been considering an American-style Community Reinvestment Act,  which forces the big banks to set up...