Is it our fault? Are we asleep at the wheel, mildly surprised at the sell-off of much that was thought of as the infrastructure of the British state to passing billionaires or private equity company, anyone with a keen interest in dividends and an eventual sell-off...
What we’re doing
Initiatives that are in progress, right now.
Economic prospects in 2023: the New Weather Institute in the Financial Times survey
Each year the Financial Times polls a group of economic analysts on what they think the next year holds in store for the UK. The New Weather Institute is part of that survey published today, and here are our responses collected together. They argue that...
FIFA has been dangerously misleading. This is why.
This post first appeared on the website... ,Ahead of the Men’s FIFA World Cup in Qatar kicking-off, athletes, sports bodies, lawyers and climate campaigners have come together to lodge a series of complaints, reported by the BBC, against FIFA’s false...
The resistable rise of the Absent Corporation
I have tried to launch some kind of award system over the 18 months or so since the publication of my Tickbox book - really just by writing about it a great deal, and by nominating companies that richly deserved it, like Hermes or British Gas. Now it looks like there...
Our challenge to the government: how will you reduce demand?
“At present, the government has no plans in place for ending sales of vehicles based on body type, including SUVs, or restricting the advertising of those vehicles. However, we are going further and faster to decarbonise transport.” Official response to our petition...
Contagious Tales of hope
Contagious Tales is a new collection of short stories that turns our troubled times into modern folk tales to shine a light on how we got here and illuminate the way ahead. It takes an imaginatively different look at our current crises, from the climate emergency to...
Economic prospects in 2022: the New Weather Institute in the Financial Times survey
Each year the Financial Times polls a group of economic analysts on what they think the next year holds in store for the UK. The New Weather Institute is part of that survey published today, and here are our responses collected together. They argue that huge economic...
Towards a one-stop shop for greener homes
This post first appeared on the Rapid Transition site... t is about time the UK government got to grips with retrofitting existing housing to scale up home energy efficiency across the country. One way to do this would be to establish a one-stop shop on every high...
Demand for climate-damaging SUVs is higher when people are exposed to advertising – ‘green’ transport messages make no difference
A ground breaking new study reveals that demand for climate-damaging SUVs is higher when people are exposed to advertising and that even the small number of messages encouraging ‘greener’ transport appear to get drowned out by the car adverts. The new primary research...
How to increase the chances of success at COP26
So that was the budget then – and, bizarrely, on the eve of a hugely important climate conference, UK chancellor Rishi Sunak has announced billions in road spending, cuts to taxes on polluting domestic flights and has cancelled long-delayed fuel duty...