What we’re doing

Initiatives that are in progress, right now.

Car Free Megacities

Car Free Megacities

Great cities set the tone for modern living and a new campaign for Car Free Megacities is aiming to improve the music of our urban streets as well as clear their air. The campaign is writing to the mayors of Paris, New York and London to ask if they will...

Re-Green the Village

Re-Green the Village

It's time to put the secateurs, herbicide and peat compost away and let the over-manicured English village return to nature. Thirty years ago we bought a rather rat infested - alright, very rat infested – cottage, and have enjoyed it ever since. It’s where we’ve spent...

100,000 dead

100,000 dead

On the morning of Sunday 24 January, 97,329 lives had been taken by the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK, according to Government statistics. By some estimates, the country had already passed 100,000 deaths 11 days earlier. Marking this milestone is in some sense...