In my just published eco-thriller, Skyseed, the untimely eruption of an obscure volcano in Bolivia dooms an illicit programme to engineer the climate to failure – and worse. The events that follow are pure fiction and hopefully will stay that way. Nonetheless,...
What we’re doing
Initiatives that are in progress, right now.
POWER OUT – the new BBC ‘power & protest’ thriller by New Weather’s Sarah Woods
POWER OUT is a new BBC thriller about power and protest on a dying planet, starring Vinnie Heaven and written by New Weather's Sarah Woods. It asks what happens when the power system we’re hooked up to fails? If this is power, then POWER OUT: POWER OUT on the BBC...
How the AA was hollowed-out by Anglo American economics
The world of staycation is bound to lead to those sad scenes by motorways and country roads of the broken down, burst tire, overheating vehicle. Time to call the AA (Automobile Association) or the RAC - splendid British institutions, supposed to be there to assist. A...
Plague poems – a creative response to the shock of Covid-19
In response to the shock of COVID-19, 3 friends wrote 33 poems in 3 months: the new volume, Plague Poems, is the result. In the midst of COVID-19, we need moments to reflect, to pay attention to things that matter, things we hadn’t noticed before, to new terrors and...
Badvertising – stop adverts fuelling the climate emergency
‘Badvertising’ is a new campaign to stop adverts fuelling the climate emergency. This includes ads for cars, airline flights and fossil fuels. We ended tobacco advertising when we understood the harm done by smoking. Now we know the damage done by fossil...
Is the climate worst case getting worse?
It's not what most people want to hear at the moment, but the impact of Covid19 on society and economy is a gentle breeze compared to the hurricane that global heating and ensuing climate breakdown will ultimately bring. Some problems, when examined closely, simply...
Test and What? How official lack of confidence in the public sector worsened the crisis
In the sorry tale of the UK’s response to the corona virus there are many lessons. The current unfolding illumination is how test and trace is destined to fail because of the actions of this and previous governments which have rendered a sensible response to testing...
How privatisation designed-in the PPE chaos
Sometimes we are enabled to see clearly. A light shines and we have the ‘intake of breath’ moment. One such widely shared moment has been revelations about the brazen breaking by members of the government of their own public safety measures. Another such a moment,...
Where do we begin the transition?
In a recent poll only nine percent of respondents said they wanted to return to the world as it was pre-Covid19. We need to be preparing that new world now. So let us imagine it, this new world. The kindness of neighbours we can leave on one side for the moment - it’s...
National Gardening Leave: an opportunity to reinvent working lives and urban spaces
How often are ideas that once seemed radical and to some, even preposterous, made tame by the turn of events? That is the case now with the suggestion that Britain should experiment with National Gardening Leave, an idea suggested in a 2012 pamphlet I wrote with my...