We sense New Weather…

We are a co-operative think tank. Forecasting change and making the weather.

We bring together radical thinkers, makers, artists, and activists to design a rapid transition to a fair and ecological economy.


‘Badvertising’ is a campaign to stop adverts fuelling the climate emergency. This includes ads for cars, airline flights and fossil fuels. Now we know the damage done by fossil fuel products and activities, it’s time to stop promoting them.

Rapid Transition

Rapid economic transition, including widespread behaviour change to sustainable lifestyles, is necessary to live within planetary ecological boundaries and to limit global warming to below 1.5 degrees.

Explore our initiatives

Recently, in our blogs…

To save the NHS we have to be a little critical

To save the NHS we have to be a little critical

So the NHS is 70 years old, and – perhaps it is because it is currently under threat from serious underfunding – the coverage has been self-congratulatory. There is a lot to be congratulatory about, of course: free at the point of use and the egalitarian ethos. It...

Waves of political nostalgia drown-out a lethal heatwave

Waves of political nostalgia drown-out a lethal heatwave

A record-breaking heatwave hints at a lethal new climate normal, writes Prof Bill McGuire, but you wouldn’t know as the obsession with Brexit drowns out real news Nostalgia is gripping the political agenda and not in a good way, with Brexit harking back to an imagined...

New publication: Can Design Catalyse the Great Transition?

New publication: Can Design Catalyse the Great Transition?

Everything we make includes an element of design. But design isn't limited to household objects, clothes or buildings, it influences whole systems that shape the way we live. The climate crisis and corrosive inequality tell us that the systems we have need a redesign,...

Praising Parliamentary Watchdogs

Praising Parliamentary Watchdogs

The giant services firm Carillion collapsed under the weight of its own greed, hubris and mismanagement in January this year. Earlier this month the excellent Joint Work and Pensions and Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy  Parliamentary produced one of those...

Latest Publication



This pamphlet looks at how the UK is unprepared for a new era of crises and disasters. To illuminate the national predicament we look at lessons from recent history, and what we can learn, often from countries in the Global South, about the kind of local planning required and resources needed to be ready for when storms and other disasters strike near where we live.

We are pleased to work with…