How often are ideas that once seemed radical and to some, even preposterous, made tame by the turn of events? That is the case now with the suggestion that Britain should experiment with National Gardening Leave, an idea suggested in a 2012 pamphlet I wrote with my...
Australia is a canary in the coal mine of global heating, Bill McGuire, Prof of Geophysical & Climate Hazards and New Weather co-director, unpacks the irony that one of the world’s least welcoming nations to migrants, could shortly find many of its citizens...
Each year the Financial Times newspaper investigates the UK’s upcoming economic prospects with a survey of analysts. New Weather’s Andrew Simms took part. The survey’s predictions often prove highly accurate. Like last year, the uncertainty of Brexit still...
As reported in this BBC News article, New Weather Institute co-director, Prof Bill McGuire has resigned from the Geological Society over its relationships with fossil fuel companies, following 40 years of membership. In a short introduction and his open resignation...