Economic prospects for 2021: New Weather and the FT survey

Economic prospects for 2021: New Weather and the FT survey

Each year the Financial Times newspaper investigates the UK’s upcoming economic prospects with a survey of economic analysts. New Weather’s Andrew Simms took part. The survey’s predictions often prove highly accurate but after such an extraordinary year, and with...
How the AA was hollowed-out by Anglo American economics

How the AA was hollowed-out by Anglo American economics

The world of staycation is bound to lead to those sad scenes by motorways and country roads of the broken down, burst tire, overheating vehicle. Time to call the AA (Automobile Association) or the RAC – splendid British institutions, supposed to be there to...
How privatisation designed-in the PPE chaos

How privatisation designed-in the PPE chaos

Sometimes we are enabled to see clearly. A light shines and we have the ‘intake of breath’ moment. One such widely shared moment has been revelations about the brazen breaking by members of the government of their own public safety measures. Another such a moment,...