Why I Wrote Hothouse Earth

Why I Wrote Hothouse Earth

As the latest data reveals global average sea surface temperatures hitting a record high, Prof Bill McGuire explains why he wrote his uncompromising bestseller, Hothouse Earth If you want a book about the grim future we will face as global heating bites ever harder to...
Global heating – a glimmer of light in the gloom?

Global heating – a glimmer of light in the gloom?

More bad news was brought in January looking back over the previous year. Unsurprisingly, 2020 was either the hottest year ever recorded, according to NASA, or – the UK Met Office determines – it was just squeezed into second place by 2016. What is not in doubt is...
Is Australia becoming uninhabitable?

Is Australia becoming uninhabitable?

Australia is a canary in the coal mine of global heating, Bill McGuire, Prof of Geophysical & Climate Hazards and New Weather co-director, unpacks the irony that one of the world’s least welcoming nations to migrants, could shortly find many of its citizens...
Why flying is heading for a climate tailspin

Why flying is heading for a climate tailspin

Bill McGuire explains why global heating is making flying even worse… for global heating Even if we often pretend the opposite, we all know how appallingly bad flying is for the environment. Be as green as you like the rest of the time, but just one return...