More bad news was brought in January looking back over the previous year. Unsurprisingly, 2020 was either the hottest year ever recorded, according to NASA, or – the UK Met Office determines – it was just squeezed into second place by 2016. What is not in doubt is...
How often are ideas that once seemed radical and to some, even preposterous, made tame by the turn of events? That is the case now with the suggestion that Britain should experiment with National Gardening Leave, an idea suggested in a 2012 pamphlet I wrote with my...
It wasn’t clear at the time, but a couple of weeks ago I gave what is likely to be my last public talk for a while, reproduced below, at an event called Human Nature, organised by the Experimental Thought Co. Already it seems an age away, but even then our...
Here’s some evidence-based hope in a warming world… Working in collaboration with Tamarack Media, and the Rapid Transition Alliance, we’ve made this short film for the BBC. Now that climate change is undeniable, some switch to saying that the action...